Friday, November 29, 2013

Learn How to Hypnotize

Learn How to Hypnotize

by Steve G. Jones

As the therapy of hypnosis becomes more and more popular throughout the USA today, many Americans are interested in becoming hypnotists themselves. The first and always most recommended way to begin this process are to find an experienced hypnotist to study under. Of course this is easier said than done but if you can find a hypnotist willing to take the time to teach you their skills and the principles of hypnosis this is by far the best way to begin. They can teach you the "tricks of the trade" and do what they can to help you become a successful and effective hypnotist through their professional guidance.

Any professional hypnotist will tell you that if you have someone who wishes to be hypnotized or you have someone specific in mind, there are those out there who cannot be hypnotized. Generally these types of people are previously sceptical of hypnosis therapy and therefore their mind blocks any attempt to break through the subconscious mind. Also as someone new to the world of hypnosis it is important to understand that you cannot simply try to hypnotize someone without their knowledge or against their will. The mind is a powerful tool and as a hypnotist you will learn to use the mind in your favour.

A simple test that hypnotists have been using for centuries to see just how suggestible a patient is before the therapy begins is to have them roll their eyes as far up and down as they can. The less color you can see and the larger the white area suggests that they will be easy to hypnotize and vice a versa. The environment you choose to conduct the hypnosis therapy is essential in order to make sure everything works properly and as successfully as possible. You need to find a calm, safe and quiet atmosphere that your patients can find relaxing and inviting.

The ultimate goal when you are trying to hypnotize someone is to bring them to a superior relaxation state. This means that they are so relaxed that they no longer recognize or acknowledge their surroundings. You want their focus to be strictly on you and what you are telling them to do. If you can get a person to this state through environmental settings and your tone of voice then you are on the right track.

In order to really learn the basics of hypnosis you should consider taking seminars and training programs in order to make sure that you are on the wrong track. There are many out there today who call themselves hypnotists but do not fully have a grasp on what this age old therapy is based on, without this information successful hypnosis is nearly impossible.

Look around this website and check out our learning resources to help you develop and fully understand the basics of hypnosis. Through audio recordings and MP3 tracks you can learn what age old teachers of hypnosis have been trying to teach us for centuries. This is a small investment in order to reach new levels within our mind to accomplish much more than we could without this simple and natural therapy.

Give Birth Naturally with Hypnosis

Give Birth Naturally with Hypnosis
by Steve G. Jones

When it comes to child birth today we have spent so much time focussing on just how much pain the woman will have to endure that we no longer even consider the possibility of natural child birth. Only recently has a new form of natural child birth been introduced called hypnobirthing. This of course is the use of self hypnosis to assist in the birthing process. As you may already know when you choose to use medications during the birth in order to relieve some of the pain, what is affecting you is also affecting the baby. When you think about it in these terms you may want to consider the possibility of what hypnobirthing can do for you.

Whether you choose to utilize the powers of an epidural or a Demerol, each of these drugs can cause complications within the birth and side effects for the mother and child. This is why so many new mothers are considering the benefits of natural child birth and beginning to understand that although we have been traumatized from the media with their images of the severe pain associated with child birth it does not have to be this way. The main reasons mothers undergo a great deal of pain throughout the birthing process is because of fear and tension, this is where self hypnosis is useful.

During these moments throughout the birthing process you will want to alter your state of mind through self hypnosis in order to reduce the pain. We all expect to be attacked by radiating waves of pain that will leave us helpless and out of energy and this may be why it happens; the power of the mind can do many things. If as a new mother you can successfully utilize the principles of self hypnosis in order to take you to an altered state of mind you will be able to take this severe pain and turn it into a mere feeling of pressure as you push the baby out.

Self hypnosis relaxes your body and this type of relaxation is essential to help the muscles of the uterus push the baby out successfully. There is a great deal of talk today about going green and utilizing more natural forms of life on a daily basis and this is the best place to start. As a new mother it is no doubt scary to even consider this possibility with all you have read and heard about the birthing process. During your pregnancy if you are able to visit a hypnotist and learn about the principles of self hypnosis you will be able to tackle the birthing process head on with no fear.

Hypnosis classes, audio tapes and professional teachers are out there today waiting to teach you the skills you need to handle the pain of child birth and allow you to be present during the birth. So many mothers are thankful they took the drugs for the pain but they regret not really being present during the birth and this is something you can avoid. You and your child will be able to go through the birthing process without feeling groggy and as the mother you will not have to push for the delivery to be a success your uterus muscles can do the work for you once they are relaxed.

Look around the website to see what we have to offer in regards to self hypnosis. Make sure to give yourself enough time to learn the principles before your pregnancy comes to an end so you can be confident in your new found skills.

History of Hypnosis

History of Hypnosis
by Steve G. Jones

Before the 15th century our ancestors believed that any form of disease or ailment was a punishment sent down from the gods. Whether we are discussing the Greeks, Egyptians or Babylonians, their beliefs were the same in this aspect of life; this is where hypnosis came to be. Hypnosis is named after the Greek word for sleep, hypos. Although it is important to note here that hypnosis is very different from sleep. In the past different cultures and area of the world referred to the healing process of hypnosis by different names and used it differently. Some cultures used the beating of drums and chanting in order to seduce the mind into a higher state of consciousness but today it is much different.

Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer was one of the first physicians from Switzerland to become famous based on his use and understanding of hypnosis and how to use it beneficially. His work began in the 1700s and he was more than likely the first hypnotist to be revealed to the world although the medical community of the time would not acknowledge his work or his progress. From here the progressions of this new age form of healing continued to progress through different predecessors and aspiring hypnotists throughout the world. As you can imagine a great deal of controversy surrounds the history of hypnosis because of its complete opposite beliefs and teachings of what the up and coming Western medicine was trying to convey.

Historians today argue that the origins of hypnosis must have come from the Hindus of ancient India because of the sleep temples that can be found throughout the country and their recorded history. People of this culture who were taken sick were brought to these sleep temples to be cured by hypnotic suggestion. Today it is widely understood and believed that hypnosis is quite different than sleep but it is hard to believe just what a great understanding our ancestors did have on the concept of hypnosis at the time.

Today we have evolved this concept into something that many people can understand and use on a daily basis without the use of a sleep temple. Although there is still a great deal of controversy surrounding the topic of hypnosis today people have a more open mind to accept these types of new ideas. Alternative forms of medicine and healing treatments are becoming to come back into the picture today. When Western medicine was introduced to the world it did not take long for the natural way of healing to disappear into history but today we are again beginning to realize its true potential.

Hypnosis is simply another form of natural healing whether you choose to use it throughout your day to help control your stress, anger or anxiety or it is needed to help with pain control and more serious aspects of life its uses are unlimited. is one of the best hypnosis companies that can be found online today. Here you can find audio sessions and teachings that can help anyone take the processes of our ancestors and utilize it daily to help improve the quality of your life.

Discover what hypnosis can do for you; after all it has been used for centuries for healing and so much more!